Reports, Proposals, and Procedures: Individual Coaching

This coaching program is for senior professionals who have many years of work experience and would benefit from reviewing strategies to write long documents with many sections. This program helps managers and supervisors save writing time and find effective language.

You’ll work one on one with a Write It Well coach to practice writing long documents that readers can easily understand and navigate through. The coach will teach you strategies that boost the likelihood of positive outcomes for reports, proposals, procedures, and other long documents that you send out to promote specific business needs.

Here are some of the techniques you’ll master:

  • Thinking from the readers’ point of view 
  • Determining the most important question a document must answer
  • Developing a writing plan and section outlines for a document of any length
  • Deciding what to include, what to eliminate, and what to put in an appendix
  • Structuring a long document around its main point 
  • Using lists, charts, graphs, and other visual elements
  • Choosing words and tone that communicate clearly and appropriately